School Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm
School in Session: 8:40am - 3:15pm
The front doors will open at 8:35am for students being dropped off by car and attendants will supervise the process. Do not drop off students unattended. Drivers are asked to remain in the car so that the line can move efficiently. Students should exit the car at the passenger side near the safety of the sidewalk and enter the main office doors.
If you need to pick up your child early or plan to bring them to school late, please notify the school using Pickup Patrol (https://app.pickuppatrol.net/parents/). Students must be in school for four hours in order to be marked present for a full day. Use the bell outside of the main office to speak with an office staff member upon your arrival to the school.
Before care hours begin at 7:00am and after school hours end at 6:00pm. This program is not run by the district but by the Musconetcong Valley Community Association. To learn about the program, call Cheyenne Lemoine, Director, at 908.876.3141 or email her at director@mvca.org.