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September 2024

Please use the following information to prepare for the start of the 2024-25 School Year!
This page includes the following information:

Recommended School Supplies

LVMS 2024-25 Instructional Teams

LVMS Open House / Tour Dates

Incoming 6th Grader Information

Summer Learning Opportunities

LVMS Recommended School Supplies

This is a recommended or suggested school supply list. Many of our learning tools are embedded right in our district issued Chromebooks. If any additional supplies are needed, teachers will let students know when they meet with them, allowing ample time for parents to help acquire those supplies.

The following supplies are recommended / suggested for all LVMS students. Teachers will share class specific material requests with students upon the start of classes (these requests will be minimal). Therefore, it may be best to wait to buy supplies once classes begin. All students should plan to come to school on the first day with their charged Chromebook (new students will be issued Chromebooks in the first week of school).

Binders / Organizational Materials
Two large binders (approx. 2”) OR Four smaller binders (approx. 1” )
Tabbed dividers
Two pocket folders
Homework planner

Generic Supplies
Pencil Case (one to insert in binder) or Pencil Box
Pens and pencils
Earbuds/ corded headphones (not wireless or AirPod)
Dry erase markers
Colored pencils
Scotch tape
Glue sticks
Calculator: Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS (recommended for grade 7 only)
Refillable Water Bottle

It is recommended that students put their name on all items and replenish as needed.

LVMS 2024-25 Instructional Teams

Knowing your homeroom teacher from the OnCourse Connect Portal (opened after 3:00 PM on 8/16/24), you can use this chart to see what core academic teachers you will have this school year.

LVMS Instructional Team 24-25

Please be aware!
Scheduling changes, requests to move teams, or be with placed with peers cannot be guaranteed or accommodated!

LVMS Open Houses

August 2024

All LVMS Students will have TWO opportunities to visit LVMS before the first day of school. The purpose of these visits are for students to see where their homeroom is located and become acclimated to a new part of the building.

Student Open House #1

Wednesday, August 21st

9:00 - 11:00 AM

Student Open House #2

Friday, August 23rd

9:00 - 11:00 AM

**Due to summer projects, prep work, and staff training, students will only be permitted to visit LVMS on these two dates prior to the start of the school year.

Incoming 6th Graders

When: Tuesday, August 20th

Times: Session 1: 9:00 - 10:00 AM / Session 2: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Where: LVMS

Who: Incoming 6th Grade Students

Info: All incoming 6th graders are invited to join us for a summer Walk-Through. Join our 8th grade peer leaders on an orientation clue led tour of LVMS! Students will get to meet counselors and administrators, and experience what LVMS is like.

**Please be aware, this is a student only orientation event that has been designed to get students into the building to feel welcome and adjusted to LVMS**

6th Grade Parent Orientation - May 2024

In case you missed it, please visit our Orientation Website!

Summer Learning Opportunities

Please use the button on the right to access our Summer Learning Opportunities. These are OPTIONAL activities that are meant to build upon previous learning. These opportunities differ from summer "work" as they are NOT mandatory.

Updated as of 7/2/2024